
Coats For Kids & Holiday Donations
Coats for Kids
House Design/Build Teamis proudly participating in the HAVAN’s (Homebuilders Association Vancouver) annual Coats for Kids campaign to help make a difference in our community.
We are providing a drop off location for new or gently used coats for children of all ages, particularly items for kids ages 12-17, during our office hours of 8:30AM to 5:00PM.
Collection dates are from Wednesday, November 3 – Thursday, December 2.
All coats will go towards the Lower Mainland Christmas &Surrey Christmas Bureaus, organizations who’s outreach helps to provide a warmer, brighter winter for families in need.
Donation Tip! Even though some teens fit adult sizing, the coats need to appeal their age group. Hoodies are always a popular choice. Buying new items for donations is also an option, along with donating scarves, hats, gloves, and new unwrapped toys (hockey sticks, soccer and basketballs, and art supplies are always a hit).
Follow the Coats for Kids campaign on HAVAN social media:
@HAVANofficial #HAVANCoats4Kids
Twitter: @HAVANofficial
LinkedIn (company page): Homebuilders Association Vancouver
Instagram: @HAVANofficial
YouTube Member Channel:

My House Holiday Donations –
November 1st – December 17th
‘Tis the Season!
There are many people in our immediate community who are struggling to make ends meet and to put food on the table; The holidays are particularly stressful for these particular families.
At My House Design/Build Team, we believe in giving back to the community around us. We are committed to reaching out far beyond ourselves, seeing the needs and participating in a solution.
This year, we have chosen to support Relate Community Care as well as an individual family with children. Relate Community Care sponsors children and families from local schools. During the Christmas Season, the organization puts together Christmas gift boxes as well as food hampers for those families who would otherwise have nothing at Christmas time.
If you would like to join us this season in giving back to those around us in need, the following is how you can help.
My House Design/Build Team will calculate totals on December 17th and match whatever donations that we receive!
Ways to Donate..
1. $25.00 will sponsor a Christmas Gift Box for a child at one of the local sponsored schools.
2. $100.00 will sponsor a food hamper for a family from a local school to be able to put food on the table for Christmas Dinner.
3. A grocery gift card that will go towards purchasing food for a local family.
4. A donation of any amount is appreciated and will go towards a Christmas Gift box or a Food Hamper for a family.
If you would like to participate and make a donation, please contact Sonia at [email protected] and be sure to provide your information including: how much you would like to donate, how you wish to make your payment (cash, cheque, credit, or e-trasnfer), along with your name, and phone number.
Once we have processed your payment on December 17th, you will receive your receipt in an email.
*We accept credit cards, cheques, cash, or e-transfers*
Thank you for your help!
The My House Team