Bone Structure Homes

Bone Structure Vancouver
My House Design/Build Team is proud to be a Bone Structure builder in Vancouver and surrounding cities.
Bone Structure® homes were inspired by the aerospace industry and are leading the way towards higher performance, energy efficient homes. Their innovative assembly using non-toxic steel framing allows for faster building timelines and precision that traditional methods can’t match.
Bone Structure framing is the best integrator to build Net Zero Energy Homes that can reach LEED and PassivHaus Certifications. The building process also produces minimal worksite waste (50% of landfill waste is from construction sites) and can save homeowners up to 90% on future heating and cooling costs.
The Strength of Bone Structure Homes
The power and strength of the steel frame make it possible for 22 ft ceilings, 25 foot spans, and 20 ft openings without interior load bearing walls. This means the opportunities for open-concept spaces and flow with the outdoors are greater than traditional home construction!
To add precision, strength, and reliability, 11-gauge steal components are cut to spec using the same technology used in aircraft and automobile parts.
Long Lasting, Reconfigurable, Build on Difficult Terrains
Because a Bone home’s structure is steel-based, it will never buckle, bend, or crumble, meaning it will last generations. This patented technology allows you to reconfigure the home in the future, such as removing walls or adding outside doors and windows. Unlike prefab homes, Bone homes allow builders to custom build on hard to reach or difficult terrains.
Build your Home Faster, More Efficiently: How it Works
Bone Structure materials will be delivered to your site to coincide with assembly, minimizing need and cost of material staging. A trained crew, like My House Design/Build Team, can assemble up to 1000 sq ft of structure per day!
The team can also save time by ordering cabinets, tiles, and interior materials in advance, knowing the Bone Structure dimensions will be accurate. As with all custom home projects by My House Design Build, we follow a well-refined process and assign a project manager to each project.
Bone Structure® is patented in 42 countries and is available in Canada and the US.
Learn more about these innovative, environmentally friendly homes at
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